Monday, January 25, 2016

Why we should eat more wild pigs than high breed or commercial pigs?

Wild Boar

Stewed with vinegar and salt


Here's my most favorite foods came from meat of the wild boar. Some of my research says that we should eat more wild pigs today because wild boars is A free-range animal grazing on a wide variety of forge-able food gets more muscle-enhancing movement, which generates a deeper, more flavorful meat than an animal confined and raised solely on grain; and there are no antibiotics or hormone supplements to worry about with wild animals. But taking advantage of the wild pigs as food is not acceptable and impossible nowadays here in Philippines. Because wild boar are now endangered animal.

But let me share about the taste and the experienced that I have when my father still hunting wild pigs. The meat of wild boar is so delicious unlikely from the meat of a native pig or high-breed pig. The taste of a meat came from wild boar is doesn't have any fats, but still its delicious. 

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